
CATEGORY: Offline businesses

Industry agnostic

How Beacons can Transform Event Management and Trade Shows


Beacons have captivated the attention of the tech media world. With the recent deployment of these low-cost devices by retailers such as Macy’s, Apple Stores, and sports venues such as Major League Baseball stadium, Oracle Arena, etc., beacon technology has stimulated the appetite of event marketers too. For years, event organizers have pursued new ways […]

KISSmetrics Feature: 11 Pre and Post Launch Mobile App Marketing Pitfalls to Avoid


With over 1.2 million apps in the App Store, getting your app discovered can be quite a challenge. Digi-Capital’s recent Mobile Apps Investment Review predicts that non-game apps could double their share of revenue from 26 percent to 51 percent by 2017. This is certainly a great news for developers of productivity, utility and commerce apps. However, to ensure that […]

How personalizing shopping experiences helps increase your mobile ROI

How personalizing shopping experiences helps increase your mobile ROI

As mobile traffic continues to surge, it brings along great opportunities for retailers and brands to engage with their shoppers by bringing together the physical and digital worlds. Consumers today use their mobile devices to research products, find coupons and compare prices as they shop. You can utilize these metrics to gain insight about the behavior […]

Using Mobile to Enhance In-Store Shopping Experience – 7 tactics for Retailers

How mobile enhances in-store shopping experience

Today a consumer’s path to purchase often comprises of many online and few increasingly mobile touchpoints. Not only do they use their mobile devices to make purchases but also to research products, compare prices and check reviews. There’s no denying that mobile shoppers and showrooming are two buzzwords that strike fear in the heart of brick […]

Infographic: Rise of Social Media in Ecommerce


Despite online retail experts debating the impact of social media on ecommerce sales, there’s no denying the fact that brands are investing in social media channels to build a loyal fanbase. Here are some interesting numbers that reiterate the importance of social media in ecommerce. Don’t miss our bonus tips section at the end of […]

Top Paid Channels for Marketing your App


Millions of apps currently populate the App Store and Google Play, making it increasingly difficult for developers with a stringent marketing budget to get their apps discovered. The cost of acquiring a new app user who opens an app three times or more has grown from $1.30 in 2012 to $1.62 at the end of 2013, […]