
Li-Fi vs Wi-Fi vs iBeacon (BLE) technology


The growth of location-based technologies has not escaped anyone’s notice as location continues to revolutionize location-based services, analytics, advertising revenue opportunities and much more. The Location Based Services (LBS) and Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) market itself is growing at a CAGR of 37.1% and is expected to reach 54.95 Billion USD by 2020, from 11.36 […]

RFID vs iBeacon (BLE) Technology


More than a decade ago, Linda Dillman, then CIO of Walmart shook the retail world with a bold plan to change the state of its supply chain by employing radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags. While the plan bombed, RFID eventually went on to become a useful tool in retail, logistics, healthcare and a handful of other […]