
Li-Fi vs Wi-Fi vs iBeacon (BLE) technology


The growth of location-based technologies has not escaped anyone’s notice as location continues to revolutionize location-based services, analytics, advertising revenue opportunities and much more. The Location Based Services (LBS) and Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) market itself is growing at a CAGR of 37.1% and is expected to reach 54.95 Billion USD by 2020, from 11.36 […]

Li-Fi vs iBeacon (BLE) Technology


Of recent, Li-Fi has been a buzzword, given the claims of it being 100 times faster thanWi-Fi and something that could possibly revolutionise IoT. While the technology is still in its trial stage, businesses and technology experts are eagerly comparing it with other location based technologies like iBeacon. Meanwhile, they are also busy exploring various […]